This level of significance is the supreme level of family fulfillment.
Nothing energizes, unites, and satisfies the family like working together
to make a significant contribution.This is the essence of true family leadership -not only the leadership
you can provide to the family, but the leadership your family can provide
to other family, to the neighborhood, to the community, to the country.On the level of significance, no longer is the family an end in and of itself.
It becomes the means to an end that is greater than itself.
It becomes the vehicle through which people can effectively contribute
to the well-being of others.
『7つの習慣 ファミリー』
スティーブン・R・コヴィー (著)
『The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families』
Stephen R. Covey
Golden Books Publishing Co.,Inc.
「7つの習慣アカデミー協会」事務局 / 有限会社ルネサンスジャパン